Clinton Opens Double-Digit Leads Nationally & In Swing States | Women Rule!!

Poll: Clinton Opens Up Double-Digit Lead Over Trump NBC News

Hillary Clinton has increased her lead over Donald Trump,  now holding a 10-point lead over the Republican candidate, 51 pts to 41 pts, according to results from the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking poll

Clinton's expanding lead is up from 8 points last week. The 10-point margin is the largest in the NBC News|SurveyMonkey tracking poll since the two-way general election match-up launched in early May. 


Trump Calls Clinton a 'Monster', Suggests She Is 'Brainwashed' Slate

Facing dropping poll numbers, Republican presidential candidate has honed in on a strategy. At a time when numerous media outlets are writing/talking about Donald Trump's narcissistic personality and inability to stay on message, Trump is taking his attack on Hillary Clinton to a new level. Trump called Clinton 'a monster' and 'unstable' in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Earlier, in Des Moines, Iowa, Trump called Clinton such choice words as 'unbalanced,' 'unstable,” and “dangerous,; warning that if she’s elected it would lead to 'the destruction of this country from within.'

The only problem with the Trump strategy is that it's other Republicans who are making this attack against Trump, referring to his personality and being co-opted by Vladimir Putin. Does he think we don't understand the difference?

“Unstable Hillary Clinton, lacks the judgment, temperament and moral character to lead this country, and I believe that so strongly," Trump said. "She’s really pretty close to unhinged, and you’ve seen, you’ve seen it a couple times. The people in the background know it, the people who know her know it and she’s like an unbalanced person.”'

Clinton Takes Double-Digit Lead Over Trump In New Monmouth Poll TPM

Hillary Clinton extended her lead over Donald Trump among registered voters, doubling down 46-34 pts in a 4-way split. Johnson got 7pts and Jill Stein 2 pt.

The poll was last taken before the start of the Republican National Convention, where Clinton led Trump 43 pts to 40 pts. The poll of registered voters was conducted by landline and cellphone Aug. 4-7, with an error of 3.5 pts.

Clinton Consolidates Lead Over Trump After Rough Week for Republicans Morning Consult

Hillary Clinton posted her highest poll numbers in months last week, commanding a 9-point lead over rival Donald Trump, according to Morning Consult’s latest poll.

Almost half (46 percent) of registered voters surveyed Aug. 4-5 (46 percent) said they would choose Clinton, the Democratic nominee, if the presidential election were to be held now. That number has increased 3 pt over last week's poll and is up 6pts since July 24.

Meanwhile Trump is sinking. The Republican nominee, is still the choice for 37 percent of voters, down from 40 percent in late July and 44 percent immediately following the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Hillary Clinton Headlines Aug 9, 2016

President Trump and the future of the West Politico

Balance, Fairness and a Proudly Provocative Presidential Candidate New York Times

The truth about US manufacturing Christian Science Monitor

New Poll Shows Clinton Leading By Double Digits in Pennsylvania TPM

The (False) Globalization Narrative Real Clear Politics

Poll finds Clinton has widened lead ahead of Trump to 8 pts The Washington Post

Trump's economic advisers are also his biggest donors Politico

George W. Bush administration official announces support for Clinton over Trump The Washington Post