Hillary Clinton's Painful Media Relationship | Rebecca Traister on Hillary's Feminism

Hillary Clinton, rarely seen, rarely heard Politico

As reporters speculate that Hillary Clinton -- with her extreme dislike of the press -- can't be thrilled that as of Labor Day, they will all board her 'Stronger Together'-wrapped 737 airplane, her staff says the candidate is on board. For the first time in 2016, they will head from New York to Ohio to Iowa.

"She does understand that there is very good reason why it's important for everyone to be together in the thick of a general election,” said her traveling spokesman Nick Merrill. “We're going wrap the plane in blue and get on it together. There's a desire to be efficient and be able to do things a little more impromptu.”

Hillary Clinton's Feminism

Hillary Clinton's feminism: a conversation with Rebecca Traister VOX

VOX's Tara Golshan asks Rebecca Traister this question: From the time Clinton entered politics to the 2016 presidential election, there has been a massive shift in feminism. How has Clinton positioned herself in this shift?

TRAISTER: "I have interviewed her; I have talked to her a bit about this. I can't say with any authority, "well, she learned this from contemporary feminism," but my impression is, like a number of women her age who lived through the women’s movement, [who] were products of the women’s movement, then came to their professional adulthood during a period of anti-feminism — where they were totally vilified — I think it has taken her some time to understand that feminism is back.
Feminism has been re-embraced, popularized, which is often problematic in wide ranging ways. There is more than one generation of women that were totally scarred about what they could actually say: Older women who were at the height of their professional careers in the '80s and '90s. As a teenager I remember it — how vicious the anti-feminism backlash was. Hillary Clinton was the subject and object of so much of it.
My guess is over the years one of her advisers must have whispered to her it’s okay, it’s okay to say it again. Look, she wrote a post for the Toast. Are you kidding? She has been very interested in young feminist writers in a way that suggests to me she understands that there is another media in play and it’s a feminist media."

Related: Women's News | Gloria Steinem Meets Amandla Stenberg AOC Front Page News

National Polls Tighten, Swing States Not Much

Trump cuts into Clinton's lead as crucial stretch begins Politico

“The wildness and unpredictability of the last sixteen months?” said Democratic Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper. “It's only going to increase. It’s not going away. Hold on to your hat."

Clinton’s camp is taking nothing for granted and admit to worrying that if he maintains his current path, he could pare points off battleground states in which Hillary leads on average by about five points. 

Clinton aides are concerned about a Trump factor that they cannot control: Donald Trump's past performance has been so extreme, that there is a very low performance bar for him to have a good day. He wins by calmly looking and speaking presidential in Mexico -- even though a tweet storm broke out after he left. Unless he has a total debate stage meltdown, just standing on the same stage as Hillary Clinton will give him a boost. So don't believe assertions that the Clinton folks think the presidential election win is in the bag. They don't. 

Hillary Clinton Headlines September 4, 2016

How Hillary Clinton helped create what she later called the 'vast right-wing conspiracy' The Washington Post

Three Major Ways The FBI Report On Clinton Emails Strongly Establishes Her Trustworthiness Forbes

Donald Trump is doing worse with Latinos than the previous 6 Republican presidential candidates VOX

Democrats' chances of retaking the Senate keep getting better Politico

Poll: Clinton has double-digit lead over Trump in New Hampshire Politico

Trump surrogate admits false biographical claims CNN

Clinton Enters Fall With Key Advantages in White House Race ABC News

Trump surrogate admits falsifying biographical claims CNN

FBI Played Trick on Clinton During Email Probe, Newly Released Documents Show ABC News