Democrats Court Rural Southern Voters With Stacey Abrams’ State of the Union Response

Stacey Abrams is the first African-American woman to deliver a State of the Union response in the 53-year history of this tradition. Pool response image via AP.

By Sharon Austin, Professor of Political Scieence and Director of the African American Studies Program, University of Florida. First published on The Conversation

In a brief, direct and optimistic speech about fighting immigrant scapegoating, racism and voter suppression, Stacey Abrams celebrated diversity in her Democratic rebuttal to Donald Trump’s divisive 2019 State of the Union address.

“We will create a stronger America together,” she said.

Abrams is the first African-American woman to deliver a State of the Union response in the 53-year history of this tradition. She is the first black woman to be nominated by a major party to run for governor. Before that, she was the first African-American ever to serve as House minority leader in the Georgia General Assembly.

Her State of the Union response has increased speculation that she is a rising political starwith a bright future in the Democratic Party.

By choosing Abrams to give the State of the Union response, Democrats were clearly reaching out to African-Americans and women, a key base for the party.

But Abrams’ speech also spoke to an often-overlooked constituency the Democratic Party may not have even thought about when they picked her. It’s a constituency Abrams has already cultivated: rural Southerners of color.

Abrams campaigned in both urban and rural counties last year, defying the logic of a Democratic Party that tends to court big city voters while leaving rural Americans to be won over by Republicans like Donald Trump.

Stacey Abrams vows to keep fighting for voting rights in a speech, November 16, 2018. (Alyssa Pointer / Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP)

Forgotten Southerners

I have been studying minority politics in the South for over 20 years.

The rural South is home to about 90 percent of America’s entire black rural population, and politics in this region have long been defined by black and white polarization. The South was a Democratic stronghold until the civil rights movement, and Democrats know they can’t win national office without winning here.

But the South – both urban and rural – is changing. In recent decades, a large number of Asian and Hispanic immigrants have settled in Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolinaand other southern states, bringing greater demographic and political diversity to this formerly black-and-white region.

Chinese immigrants first came to rural southern areas like the Mississippi Delta after the Civil War, so Asian-Americans have deep roots in the South. But between 2000 and 2010, the population of Asian-Americans in the South grew 69 percent, to over 3.8 million, largely due to the region’s many job opportunities and affordable housing.

The South’s Hispanic population has grown by 70 percent in recent years, surpassing 2.3 million people in 2010, when the last U.S. Census was taken. Many of these individuals have settled in rural communities, filling agricultural and other jobs and sending their children to public school.

Racial and ethnic minorities now make up over 20 percent of the entire rural population in 10 southern states, from Florida to Virginia.

Tammy Duckworth Sets Trump Straight on Purple Heart As She Runs For Illinois Senate Seat

Tammy Duckworth explains the value of a Purple Heart Daily Kos

I earned a Purple Heart in combat and I know many others who have as well. It's not something anyone "wanted to get." We earned them because our country asked us to.
It's no surprise Donald Trump accepted a Purple Heart the "easier" way today because that's the story of his life. He never sacrifices. He always has things handed to him. […]
He claimed that his expensive military prep school experience was akin to actual military service. He denigrated Senator John McCain's service as a prisoner of war. And just this week, he attacked Gold Star parents Khizr and Ghazala Khan.

Note: Illinois Dem. Rep Tammy Duckworth is running a strong race to unseat Rep. Sen. Mark Kirk, and we strongly support her as a new lady face in the US Senate. 

Trump's Nuclear Nightmare Politico

Want to create a 'mushroom cloud' of anxiety among intelligent people engaged in political dialogue? Ask yourself if Donald Trump should have access to the nuclear button. 

Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” said on his show Wednesday that Trump had asked an unnamed foreign policy expert at least three times why the U.S. can’t use its nuclear weapons.

Melanie Trump Immigration Issues

Gaps in Melania Trump's immigration story raises questions Politico

Melania Trump is again under scrutiny as a result of explosive nude photos of her purchased by Rupert Murdoch's New York Post. Note that we have not shared those images or the link.

Trump's personal/business website has already been taken down as lies about Melania's history -- in particular her lack of a college degree, as she promoted. But these new allegations about Melania Trump's immigration history suggest a far more serious storm brewing. 

At issue is which visa Melania Trump was issued when she entered the US. Trump and his wife have said that she held an H-1B visa at all times when she was in New York. If true, she would not have left the US regularly, returning home to Slovenia. Her stay in the US would have been three years, renewable up to six years. I had staff members at Victoria's Secret who were in the country on H-1B visas. 

Politico writes that her description of returning to Europe for periodic renewals of her visa are consistent with an individual traveling on a B-1 Temporary Business Visitor or B-2 Tourist Visa, which typically lasts only up to six months and does not permit employment. If so, Melania Trump would have broken the law with her photo shoot. 

I will add that with all the talk of Melania being a big-time model, there is no evidence of that fact that is obvious in either a Google search or my own personal recollections. She certainly was never on our roster at Victoria's Secret as a model we would use. If she was a successful model, what agency represented her? Time to check. ~ Anne

Billionaire Klarman slams Trump, vows to work for Clinton Reuters

Another (mostly) Republican big bucks, billionaire donor Seth Klarman got behind Hillary today, strictly out of concern over Donald Trump.

"His words and actions over the last several days are so shockingly unacceptable in our diverse and democratic society that it is simply unthinkable that Donald Trump could become our president," Klarman said about the Republican presidential nominee.

Klarman, the biggest donor in New England and president and chief executive of The Baupost Group told Reuters in an emailed statement that Trump's suggestion "that the election will be rigged is particularly dangerous."

"I will continue to find ways to support Hillary Clinton and defeat Donald Trump,” he said."

Hillary Risks Iowa

Clinton Campaign Studying Alternative To US Ethanol Mandate Reuters

As environmentalists have an "on s**t" moment over their Renewable Fuel Standard legislation created in 2005. the Clinton campaign has reached out to the state of Calif for input on how to revamp the federal regulation mandating that biofuels like corn-based ethanol be blended into the nation's gasoline supply.

For those who say Hillary Clinton flipflops on green issues, the very request could cost her swing-state Iowa. While Iowa farmers have gotten very fat on the ethanol legislation, the greens now have their heads in their hands over the realization that their hatred for oil has created a situation in which carbon dioxide emissions and reduced wildlife habitats -- coupled with the loss of America's prairies and higher food prices -- have created an environmental situation worse than the problem greens set out to solve.

California operates on the California Air Resources Board (CARB), which gives states more latitude in how they reach national fuel standards.

Hillary Clinton Headlines Aug 4, 2016

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Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 6 in Florida Politico

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Meet the Republican Women Flocking To Hillary Clinton Rolling Stone

Hillary Clinton Expands Lead Over Donald Trump in Fox Poll Wall Street Journal

Donald Trump, Perhaps Unwittingly, Exposes Paradox of Nuclear Arms New York Times

Poll: Convention boosts Clinton to 11-pt lead over Trump in PA

Clinton surges to big lead in McClatchy-Marist poll McClatchyDC

Clinton jumps to big lead over Trump in Michigan Poll Detroit News

Hillary Clinton's Millennial Challenge The Atlantic

Clinton Campaign Ramps Up Chase for Republican Votes As Trump Stumbles Bloomberg Politics